Inside Chinatown features photography by eleven Chinatown community members who used photography to not only share the experiences, challenges, and successes found in their community, but also to author their own history of what it means to work and live in Boston’s Chinatown.
The exhibition is a culmination of six months of coursework where participants K.C., Qianying Guan, B.K., Barney Ko, Yingyan Liang, Kim Sit, Angela Soo Hoo, Heman Tang, Justine Wang, and Warren Wong learned about the neighborhood’s history and culture as well as the history of US Chinatowns, studied photography with New York-based photographer Katie Salisbury, and captured the stories they found to be important to Chinese American workers and residents in Chinatown.
This partnership project developed in collaboration with Loan Dao, PhD formerly of UMass, Boston and the Pao Arts Center. The Inside Chinatown project community coursework was funded in part by Mass Humanities, which receives support from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and is an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Every year at my mother-in-law’s house we have the same seven traditional dishes when we close the old year on Chinese New Year’s Eve and when we open the New Year in the morning (always before work and school) after Chinese New Year’s day. These dishes are not as extravagant as those eaten at a restaurant or by other families during Chinese New Year, but I look forward to them every year.
Angela Soo Hoo 2019

A household name, Tai Chi is a balance between being steady and soft. Tai Chi fan dance uses the fan as a prop, channeling a steady core as a whole, combined with the traditional Tai Chi elements of softness; similar with martial arts movements and blending into one. Are you concerned about age differences and hesitant to learn Tai Chi Fan Dance? You shouldn’t be concerned. If you have a basic foundation of Tai Chi, learning the Tai Chi Dan Dance will come very easily.
太極已經家喻戶曉,它在穩健與柔軟之間保持平衡。 太極扇子舞蹈以扇子為道具,結合了傳統的太極拳柔和元素,將穩健的核心作為一個整體。 與武術動作相似,融合為一體。 您是否擔心年齡差異並猶豫學習太極扇舞? 您不用擔心。 如果您有太極拳的基礎知識,那麼學習太極拳就很容易了。
Kim Sit 2019
A group of amateurs who share a love for dance practices Chinese folk dance, “Auspicious Tibet.” Chinese folk dance is a very elegant and musical exercise; the elegant movements, combined with music pleasant to the ears can make life extremely enjoyable.
一群志同道合,愛好舞蹈同好業餘人員, 練習中國民族舞蹈:”吉祥西藏” 。中國民族舞蹈是非常优美韻律健身運動;舞姿优雅,配合悅耳動聽音樂, 乃人生一樂也。
Kim Sit 2019

Qianying Guan 2019
關倩瑩 2019

Qianying Guan 2019
關倩瑩 2019

She had a successful career as a pharmacy technician but decided to immigrate to the USA so she could help her younger sister’s family pursue the American Dream. When this was written her sister’s family just arrived in the US and are now starting the American life!
Warren Wong 2019
黃偉平 2019
Dad was never in these family outing photos because he was working all the time. He only had one day off per week, and would often end up working then as well. He didn’t enjoy it, but it was what it took to support the family.
Warren Wong 2019
黃偉平 2019
People are rushing out of the train station to get to work and go about their day.
Yingyan Liang 2019
梁穎妍 2019

Going home after having dinner with friends in Chinatown. In contrast to the busy weekday morning rush, a weekend evening is much more quiet.
Yingyan Liang 2019
梁穎妍 2019

Displays of Chinese culture: traditional Chinese brush-painting, large landscape painting, and murals that show scenes from Journey to the West and Investiture of the Gods.
Barney Ko 2019
高倫 2019

Displays of Chinese culture: traditional Chinese brush-painting, large landscape painting, and murals that show scenes from Journey to the West and Investiture of the Gods.
Barney Ko 2019
高倫 2019
Barbequed pigs (in whole) and poultries are traditional Chinese foods highly in demand in the Lunar New Year, Ching Ming Festival, etc.
燒豬 (全隻)和家禽都是中國農曆新年、清明節等需求高的傳統食品。
The annual Spring Banquet is held by the different Chinatown organizations and social clubs as a way to bring together families and the community and to celebrate the new year. There are Lion Dances to add to the boisterous atmosphere.
Heman Tang 2019
以聯絡鄉親及社團之間情誼, 是以均有瑞獅賀歲,
鄧北海 2019

Heman Tang 2019
鄧北海 2019

Boston Chinatown snows during the winter months, and here the roads are almost covered with snow. When snow covers the roads it looks beautiful because the snow is white and makes the buildings stand out nicely.
Jiayi Chen 2019
陳嘉怡 2019
The sign boards are bright enough to let people know what kind of restaurants there are in Boston Chinatown.
Jiayi Chen 2019
陳嘉怡 2019

Chinatown appears busy with its abundance of signs
Justine Wang 2019

Falun Gong/Falun Dafa practitioners are like a stand of trees and are a seemingly constant presence in Chinatown. Here, they stand on a stage of their own.
法輪功/法輪大法的練習者就像一棵挺拔的樹,似乎在唐人街一直存在。 在這裡,他們站在自己的舞台上。
Justine Wang 2019

In this moment, Chinatown denizens are in various states of motion.
在這一刻,唐人街的居民處於各種狀態 。
Justine Wang 2019
Flanked by two expensive Downtown high-rises, this building displays a faded advertisement for a long-closed restaurant in Chinatown. The juxtaposition of the newer skyscrapers in the background and the weathered building in the forefront symbolizes the resiliency of Chinatown even with the encroachment of neighboring development.
K.C. 2019
The local grocery stores provide shoppers a broad selection of foods to purchase, which in turn allows them to prepare various ethnic dishes and treats to maintain a strong cultural connection at home.
K.C. 2019
Pictured are the facilities at the Wang YMCA of Chinatown, which serve as social spaces for the young and elderly alike. Patrons of all abilities enjoy the various equipment and programs to help them maintain a healthy life.
K.C. 2019

- Posted in Exhibits